What We Fund

The Frieda Scott Trust supports activity which meets the most urgent needs in our community. The Trust's current area of interest is in work which benefits those facing the greatest disadvantage, including:

  • Older people facing vulnerability or isolation
  • Disabled people, including people with a learning difficulty
  • People experiencing mental health problems
  • Children and young people
  • Family support work
  • People experiencing domestic and sexual abuse
  • People in recovery from problematic drug or alcohol use
  • People with experience of the criminal justice system
  • Carers
  • Village halls and community centres – (applications for capital funding for these projects is via our Small Grants Programme only)
  • Improving access to services for rural communities
  • Voluntary sector infrastructure and support
  • Arts and sports projects where the primary aim is the support of vulnerable groups
  • Young people’s uniformed groups

Whilst we prefer to fund organisations that are registered charities, we will consider offering grants to organisations who are pursuing charitable objectives and make a demonstrable contribution to their community, providing their aims and constitution are clearly not for profit. Additional checks and questions will be asked of organisations applying for funds who are not registered charities.

Frieda Scott Trust Map

Where We Fund

Applications are welcome from groups working in the area of Westmorland.  This includes the old districts of Eden and South Lakes but excludes Barrow in Furness. Groups based outside this area can apply if their work benefits people in Westmorland.

Types of Grant

We provide revenue grants for project or running (or core)costs. If you are applying for project costs, we encourage you consider the full cost of delivering the work in your application. For example, you may include a contribution to the overhead or indirect costs of running your project.

We also provide grants towards capital works. Applications for capital works to village halls, community halls and playgrounds can only be made under our Small Grants Programme.



If you receive a single year grant you are welcome to apply to us again one year after the date of application.

If you have a multiyear grant, you must wait one year from the end of your last payment before reapplying.

If you have applied unsuccessfully, you must wait one year from the date of the decision before you reapply.


We will not usually support the following – if you are not sure, please contact the Trust Manager to discuss your project:

  • Funding for work or activities which have already taken place
  • Statutory bodies (such as schools or hospitals)
  • Places of worship or the promotion of religion
  • Individuals or expeditions
  • Animal/Wildlife/Heritage/Environmental causes
  • Museums and Art Galleries
  • National Charities (unless you have locally based staff and volunteers)
  • Organisations who have previously applied to the Trust (whether successful or not) in the last twelve months.


As part of our own commitment to safeguarding we want to ensure our work supports the safety and care of everyone. As part of our assessment process we will review whether applicants have procedures in place to keep people safe. This might include an appropriate safeguarding policy and measures to ensure this is implemented.

Complaints and Feedback

Each year the Trust receives many more applications for funding than it can support.

We work hard to ensure that every eligible application for funding receives a full and fair hearing. However, should any applicants or beneficiaries feel that they have a grievance against the Trust, they should write to the Chair of Trustees (marked Private & Confidential) who will respond following a period of consultation.

Mrs S Scott

Chair of Trustees

The Frieda Scott Charitable Trust

Stricklandgate House, 92 Stricklandgate

Kendal, Cumbria