Receiving a Grant

If a grant is awarded we will write to you to confirm our decision, and to let you know about any terms and conditions. We will also let you know what information we need to make a payment, and give you information about our monitoring requirements.

Reporting and Evaluation

We ask groups who receive a grant from us to tell us about how things have gone, either at the end of their project or after one year. Our Evaluation Form gives you a chance to tell us about what you have achieved, or any challenges you have faced. We are keen to hear about the difference the grant has made, and any learning along the way.

We use information from reports to inform our own strategy, and to help us make decisions about further funding.

Multiyear Grants - Progress Reports

For groups who receive multiyear grants, we ask for a Progress Report one year after each payment, and before future payments are made. Trustees also welcome the opportunity to visit your group to hear more about how the work is going.

We will send a reminder asking for your Progress Report or Evaluation Form one month before it is due.

Find Out More

If you would like to know more about the sort of information we ask groups to report on, you can see an example of our Evaluation Form here.